NLKA & CKA encourages everyone to participate in events related to Kinesiology and its field of practice in Canada. One may get ideas on what can be done in their regions or communities to enhance and to promote kinesiology. Be active!
The ACK is proud to announce the launch of the first national virtual kinesiology event. The Kin Can Conference! presented by Hexfit.
Register now! www.kincanconference.ca
In preparation for the 2022 National Health and Fitness Day on June 4, the CKA invites Kinesiologists and PKAs to get involved online to keep contact with clients. Kins must remind Canadians that Kinesiologists are there for them in order to increase awareness of the profession.
NHFD will host events the week starting May 30 culminating with National Health and Fitness Day on Saturday, June 4. Let's identify and applaud the many ways that Canadians "get moving" and keep active on the trails, on the waterways and in the parks of their communities.
November 11 2021 - It is with regret that the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance must cancel the 2021 Kin Case Competition due to insufficient number of registered teams.
The competition was ready to go with its cases; volunteer case writers, jurors and other logistical details. All will be ready for next year.
We would like to thank you for believing in this new event and hope to see you next year.
In 2 weeks! Show us your moves Canada! National Health and Fitness Day is Saturday June 5th! #ShowUsYourMoves #NHFD2021 #BougeAvecNous
In preparation for the 2021 National Health and Fitness Day on June 5, the CKA invites Kinesiologists and PKAs to get involved online to keep contact with clients. Kins must remind Canadians that Kinesiologists are there for them in order to increase awareness of the profession.
Canada is in the second year of battling COVID and coping with pandemic restrictions. People are frustrated and fatigued. Although physical activity opportunities are limited or unavailable, we know that being active helps significantly with managing stress and depression. This year especially we want to highlight the ways people can get active and how important activity is for physical and mental health.
2021 Mental Health Week: May 3 - 9
Kinesiologists encourage Canadians to be active!
Every May, the CMHA Mental Health Week helps to shift societal beliefs and perceptions about mental health. It promotes behaviours and attitudes that foster well-being, support good mental health and create a culture of understanding and acceptance. This year's theme – Name it, don't numb it – is key in these pandemic times of intense pain and anxiety.
Use the adapted CMHA Mental Health Week promotional material TOOLKIT for Kinesiologists
Invite clients to sign up for the eMentalFitChallenge!
Share SM messages.
The CKA, in partnership with PKAs, attended the 2021 Virtual Kin Games, held online from March 19-21. For the fifth year in a row, the CKA alongside our partners, Hexfit Solutions, RockTape and Human Kinetics sponsored the academic challenge with KinStartUpKit.ca, a website dedicated to helping students of kinesiology and physical activity as they enter the workforce or continue studies in specialties and to better understand how kinesiology is practiced in Canada.
The CKA applauds the organizing committee for conquering the many challenges posed by COVID-19 in shifting the Games to a virtual format to "Kinnect" Kin's across Canada. The CKA wishes to congratulate the University of British Columbia as the 2021 Overall Winner of the KinGames.
Winter Health and Fitness Week
February 1-7, 2021
With all the challenges due to the pandemic now, more than ever, Canadians need to be active for their physical and mental health. During the first week of February join with our amazing partners to show all of the ways we can embrace winter and stay active.
Get out and get moving Canada!
With the first annual Winter Health and Fitness Week just around the corner, we’ve got a question for Canadians everywhere: how do you plan on getting active?
Visit: https://www.nhfdcan.ca/
From January 26-29 and February 2-4, the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance will promote the profession by joining in on the Pathway to Policy.
Align with its strategic plan and goal to raise awareness of the profession of kinesiology, the CKA will attend The Sport for Life Canadian Summit bringing together leaders who work to enhance the quality of sport and physical activity in Canada. Sport for Life recognizes that quality sport and physical literacy offer rich benefits to Canadian society through improved health, stronger communities, higher sporting achievement, and stronger national identity.
2020 will be a great year as the CKA/ACK Board of Directors will be meeting this coming weekend from Jan 24th to 26th in Old Montreal for their annual Face-to-Face meeting. A huge planning session and budget process are to be discussed along with other interesting subjects of current issues: positioning kinesiology services vs. alternative therapies, raising quality of competicies as standard requirements, aligning requirements of membership with university program curriculum, or a potential partnership with ParticipACTION.
It is the time of the year, as we reach the mid-point of our 5 year strategic plan, to re-evaluate our objectives and re-define our action plans to ensure accomplishing all projects in the next years.
The Board of Directors, now representing 10 provinces, will think foremost about you Kinesiologist and work to raise awareness of our profession. Stay tuned for the latest outcome later!
The CKA / ACK and OKA, in partnership RockTape and all PKAs, are participating in the HRPA Annual Conference and Trade Show held in Toronto from Jan. 21st-24th 2020. This event being a national event is aligned with CKA / ACK 's commitment to raise awareness of the profession by aligning organizations and human resources manager of health benefit plans with our goals.
We hope to connect with the 4,650 professionals at Canada's largest Human Resources event. HRPA’s 2020 Annual Conference & Trade Show is Canada’s largest HR event and the world’s second largest Human Resources conference. Kins, Join us as we inspire thousands of HR managers and business professionals January 22 – January 24, 2020 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building in Toronto. The renowned three-day event features world-class keynotes, 75+ informative sessions on cutting-edge HR issues, and more than 250 trade show exhibitors. It’s the most valuable business development opportunity in Canada to engage with thousands of HR professionals who are interested in learning about the latest HR products and brands such as our Kinesiology services through over 4300 affiliated kinesiologists.
Come visit us at booth 734 !
The CKA / ACK and BCAK, in partnership Mobility Tape and all PKAs, are participating in the CLHIA 2019 Conference held in Vancouver BC from May 7-9th. It hosts over 200 insurers and claims associates in a tradeshow and CKA formally will present as speaker of the presentation sessions, plenaries and special events. We have joined other NHOs such as the Canadian Massage Therapy Alliance, Canadian Chiropractors Association, Ontario Association of Osteopaths and other healthcare professionals as exhibitors. It is a prime spot to meet and greet CLHIA members. This event being a national event is aligned with CKA / ACK 's commitment to raise awareness of the profession by aligning organizations, such as CLHIA, with our goals.
Date: June 1st 2019
Location: Across Canada
Get Ready to GET UP, GET OUT and GET ACTIVE On National Health and Fitness Day, Saturday June 1st 2019
CKA ACK encourages Kinesiologists to take part in National Health and Fitness Day by organizing an event, to reach out to meet people ready to be active. Kinesiologists across Canada will join in activities in their communities.
More information coming soon!
Date: Nov. 29 2018
Location: Webinar @ this address
BCAK invites Kinesiologists to join in this free seminar. Getting injured clients back to regular function or work quickly and safely has long been recognized as critical. In addition to faster recovery, injured clients experience better mental health and social outcomes when they can get back to functional activities sooner. Employers benefit from faster recovery times as well, by reducing re-training and replacement costs, maintaining “workplace wisdom” and facilitating a healthy workplace culture.
More info click on the news
Date: November 12th to 18th 2018
Time: Variable
Location: Across Canada
During this special week, various activities will be offered across the country to promote the importance of getting help to achieve an active lifestyle. To find a kinesiologist or event near you - to be announced in early November : www.nationalkinesiologyweek.ca. Book your dates!
Date : Saturday, May 5th, 2018, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM PDT
Location : Simon Fraser University, Saywell Hall: Room 10041, Burnaby, BC
BCAK Members are invited to join us for a day of professional development in conjunction with the BCAK's Annual General Meeting. The entire Pro-D session is worth a total of 5 CE credits. The AGM is worth an additional 5 CE credits.
Date: May 3rd-5th, 2018, AGM: May 5th, 2018
Location: Lévis Qc
This year, in the Greater Quebec City area, under the theme "Kinesiology, a profession that lives up to expectations," speakers will focus on the latest scientific and practical knowledge in the areas of rehabilitation, physical fitness, health and fitness. occupational health (ergonomics), prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyle, high performance, special population and research.
Date: April 28th 2018
Location: UofWaterloo, ON
The Ontario Kinesiology Association will hold its Annual General Meeting on April 28th 2018 in conjunction with the University of Waterloo 50th Anniversary Event : Looking back, moving forward - Celebrating the science and practice of Kinesiology
Join them for this great event — #KINat50: Looking Back, Moving Forward. http://bit.ly/OKA_KIN50
Dates: April 21-22 Calgary, May 5-6 Edmonton
Locations: Lifemark Health Centre 2121 29th Street NE Calgary, 154 Meadowlark Center, Edmonton
The primary goal of this practical hands-on course is to improve kinesiologists’ understanding and clinical skills in order to effectively achieve clients’ rehabilitation goals. An alternative exercise model of optimum muscular control and improved biomechanics will be clearly presented.
Course participants will be more confident in recognizing common pitfalls of exercises, including body compensation strategies during various exercises used to rehabilitate familiar conditions
Date: March 3rd, 2018
Location: Mount Royal University, Edmonton AB
Time: 9:30 am
This is where professional and student members have an opportunity to hear from other professionals and discuss what was successful in 2017 and what our united goals are for the future.
Register for free today at https://www.albertakinesiology.ca/events/2018-annual-general-meeting
Date: May 3, 2018
On this 30th anniversary, the committee wishes to organize a congress that meets the expectations of kinesiologists. This year, it is in the Greater Québec City area, under the theme "Kinesiology, a profession that meets expectations". The Congress will be held at the Lévis Convention and Exhibition Center.
Date: Jan. 26th, 2018
Time: 9:00a.m.- 5:00p.m.
Location: SFU Harbour Centre Campus
The seminar offers resources for early entrepreneurs and those established, but wanting to fine tune. Dr. Geoffrey T. Desmoulin, PhD, RKin, President of GTD Engineering, and host of television's "Deadliest Warrior" is bringing his expertise in business management to a one-day course where you will learn the foundations of a successful company.
DATE: To be announced
The FKQ in action: Excellent meeting with the Quebec National Council of Kinesiology on the announced work relating to the General Summit – États généraux - to be held next year. Great reflection begins!
Date: November 25, 2017
AKNB / NBKA will hold its Congress and Annual General Meeting on November 25 in Moncton.
The theme of this event will be around its mission and vision - "Kinesiology as the basis for professionals of the human movement"
Details to come
Date: Nov. 23, 2017
Time: 11:00 AM PT, 2:00 PM ET
Location: On line
The ability to perform daily tasks without falling, and the ability to avoid injury in the event of a fall, are essential to quality of life. Aging is associated with a decline in these abilities. In this Webinar, Dr. Robinovitch will share his insights from over two decades of research on the biomechanics of falls in older adults. He will describe how his team is translating basic research (performed both in the lab and in clinical environments) into improved exercise programs, risk screening, protective clothing, and safe movement environments. Live broadcast will be at 11 am Pacific Time. http://www.sfu.ca/bpk/news_events/events/bcakwebinar.html
Date: November 13-19th 2017
Time: At all times
Location: Across Canada
Various activities are offered across the country during National KinWeek to promote the importance for Canadians to get help for an active lifestyle. www.nationalkinweek.ca
Date: Nov. 18, 2017
Time: 1:30 PM
Location: 1110 Stellar Drive, Newmarket, On
Please bring your family and join us for our Grand Opening on Saturday, November 18, 2017 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at 1:30p.m. There will be door prizes, free classes, and so much more to enjoy! Come celebrate with us as we open our brand new Elite Fitness Facility!
Date: Nov 18, 2017
Time: 9h-10h AM
Location: CÉGEP du Vieux Montréal, 255 Ontario Street E, Montreal, Qc
In a continuum of rehabilitation, when to change from a consultation with your Md, Physio, Kin and finally your private trainer. Alexandre Paré tells you about it.
Date: Nov 13 - 19, 2017
Time: all day
Location: On line webinar on youtube
In celebration of Kin Week 2017 OKA is pleased to partner with Kathie Sharkey, R.Kin, to provide a complimentary webinar titled "Everything a Kinesiologist needs to know about Hip Replacement".
This free webinar will be available to all kinesiologists for the duration of Kin Week from November 13 until November 17.
Please view the webinar at this link
Date: Nov. 13 - 19, 2017
Time: 9:00
Location: Montreal, Qc
The Federation of Kinesiologists of Quebec launches "My kinesiologist, my ally!" - microsite, page FB and instagram to encourage the population to be more active and solicit the services of the kinesiologist.
Date: Nov. 17, 2017
Time: 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Location: Parc Lambert, 2000 6e Rue, Trois-Rivière, QC
Come meet me for a trail walk in Trois-Rivières. Take the opportunity to ask me questions about the areas of physical activity and good habits. Free and open to all: Trois-Rivières population, kinesiologists and other health professionals
Date: Nov. 17th, 2017
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Location: 11-1325 Markham Rd, Winnipeg, MB
KidSport is a non-profit organization whose goal is to ensure that kids from low income families can participate in a season of sport and physical activities. Funds raised locally are spent locally and distributed in the form of registration fees for a "season of sport". Sport and physical activities provide opportunities for kids to learn teamwork, fair play, dedication and commitment
Date: Nov. 17, 2017
Time: 9:15 - 10:15 AM and 2:30 - 3:30 PM
Location: Womens Fitness Clubs of Canada - Promenade Mall, 1 Promenade Circle, Thornhill, On
“Registered Kinesiologists are Ontario's recognized experts in preventing and managing injury and chronic disease and helping to reach peak physical performance. Kinesiologists use evidence-based research to develop programs for people, helping them get and stay fit, and perform at their optimum level.” In honor of Kinesiology week we have our in house Registered Kinesioloigsts volunteering their time to educate and offer their expertise on the various topics: Bring all of your questions, have some coffee and chat with our Kinesiologists, Cecilia Pacheco and Kathie Sharkey.
Date: Nov 13- 19th 2017
Time: open
Location: Alberta
Let's show Canada what Kinesiology is!
Date: Nov. 17, 2017
Time: 12:10 - 12:45 PM
Location: Lakehead University Fieldhouse Track, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, On
Winter weather is no excuse to be sedentary! Come join the Lakehead School of Kinesiology in a lunch time walk around the Fieldhouse track. FREE ADMISSION provided by Lakehead University Athletics! DAILY PRIZES!
Prizes provided by Totus Strength and Conditioning, Canada Games Complex, and Lakehead University School of Kinesiology.
Date: Nov. 16, 2017
Time: 8:00 - 10:30 PM
Location: Premier Athletic Therapy, 48 Hamlyn Rd., St-John's, NL
To recognize KIN Week the NLKA Board are hosting a meet and greet! This is a great opportunity for members to connect with one another, and to meet the new board of the NLKA. Snack and light refreshments will be provided
Date: Nov 16th 2017
Time: 7:30 - 9:30
Location: 288 W 8th Ave, Vancouver, BC
Round table discussions on rehab exercises and trouble shooting for kins of JR Rehab Services in Vancouver. This is a closed activity only on invitation.
Date: Nov 16, 2017
Time: 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Location: 515 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB
Thursday Nov 16th 2017, there will be a soft launch of a new open lab opportunities for students (only) to practice skills with a Kinesiologist available for questions and assistance. This session will be focused on sub-maximal cardiovascular exercise assessments. From 4:00-6:00 pm at the University of Winnipeg (room 0D66)
Date: Nov. 16, 2017
Time: 12:10 - 12:45 PM
Location: Lakehead University Fieldhouse Track, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, On
Winter weather is no excuse to be sedentary! Come join the Lakehead School of Kinesiology in a lunch time walk around the Fieldhouse track. FREE ADMISSION provided by Lakehead University Athletics! DAILY PRIZES!
Prizes provided by Totus Strength and Conditioning, Canada Games Complex, and Lakehead University School of Kinesiology.
Date: Nov. 16th 2017
Time: 6:30 - 9:30 PM
Location: University of Alberta, Van Vilet Complex, Room 2-210, Edmonton, AB
The Field of Kinesiology with Dr. Kerry Mummery: We are honoured to have the Dean of the University of Alberta, Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation, Dr. Kerry Mummery, come present insights, developments and career paths in the field of kinesiology. Q & A to follow.
Georgette Reed and Pursuing Your Passion and Maintaining Motivation: Georgette's success in sport, fitness, health and wellness is driven by her passion in all of these areas. her athletic history includes 17 national titles, representing Canada in the Olympic Games, Pan American Games, World Championships, and more. With a MA, Physical Education and Recreation (Coaching Sciences) at the U of A and BPE from Washington State University, she has an abundance of expertise and knowledge to share. Hear Georgette talk about her own journey, maintaining motivation and following your passion.
Date: Nov 15th 2017
Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: AIM clinic Hamilton Ontario, 1605 Main St W, Hamilton, On
Yours in Health,
Sharlene Louden, R.Kin
Date: 13-19 Nov 2017
Time: 15h-18h
Location: Ecole du Beau-Séjour 1644 Avenue Lapierre, Ville de Québec
With kindergarten students, 1st and 2nd graders, Viviforme will get them moving during daycare service of École du Beau-Séjour - every day of the week!
Date: Nov 15th 2017
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Location: 11-1325 Markham Rd., Winnipeg, MB
As an active Kinesiologist and Physician in our community, both our presence will enhance the quality of our future interactions with patients and will increase awareness of both our profession working together for the better health of Canadians. Join me in this event.
Typically, people mainly rely on medication for the management of chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart diseases. But by choosing to treat their chronic disease with physical activity, they can play a more active role in managing their diseases and enjoy a better quality of life. When managing their health conditions, Canadians are invited to request a referral to their physicians for a physical activity program developed specifically for them by a kinesiologist
Date: Nov 15th 2017
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Location: MRU - Room number Y222, 4825 Mt Royal Gate SW, Calgary, AB
Come out Wednesday November 15th at MRU to hear about your fellow Kinesiologists talk about their different career journeys and what they are focusing on today! You don't want to miss out on the opportunity to interact with other students and Kinesiologist professionals.
Light snack and beverages provided. 1 CE credit = contract hour towards your AKA membership
The event will take place in Rm Y222
Please go to www.albertakinesiologyassociation.ca to register for the event!
Email akin.marketing@gmail.com with any questions or difficulty with registration.
Date: Nov 14, 2017
Time: 19h-20h
Location: 1119, Suite 101 St. Joseph Boulevard, Roberval, Quebec
Conference on Training Principles to help choose the type of exercises to do according to your needs and to plan them over time. The conference is 45 minutes.
Date: Nov. 14th 2017
Time: 12:10 - 12:40 PM
Location: Bike Shack, 955 Oliver Rd, Thunder Bay, ON
Winter weather is no excuse to be sedentary! Come join the Lakehead School of Kinesiology in a lunch time walk around the Fieldhouse track. FREE ADMISSION provided by Lakehead University Athletics! DAILY PRIZES!
Date: Nov 14th 2017
Time: 8:00 - 9:00 PM
Location: 11759 Groat Rd NW, Edmonton, AB
Primary Care Networks (PCN) are novel and potential career opportunities for a Kinesiologist. Speaker Series: The Voice of the Kinesiologist. "Kinesiologists in the Primary Care Network and the Prescription to Get Active Program" with Lisa Workman. Join Lisa Workman, the first exercise specialist in an Albertan PCN, as she shares her insight and experience working win a primary healthcare setting within a multidisciplinary team. Learn more about the province-wide Prescription to Get Active and other physical activity and exercise initiatives such as Get Out, Get Active in the PCNs. Come ready to learn how exercise is being integrated into primary healthcare in Alberta!
Date: Nov. 14th 2017
Time: 4:00 - 8:00 PM
Location: 4910 Roblin Blvd, Winnipeg, MB
Whether it’s chronic pain, a new injury, or a desire to improve your health and performance.. Integrative Movement and Katmah Training is here to help. From Athletic Therapy, Myofascial Cupping, and Strength and Conditioning services- there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re a equestrian athlete, any other athlete, or suffering of any pain or health condition- we can help. With online and in person services available, you no longer have any reason to put your goals off.
Date: Nov 14th 2017
Time: 7:00-8:00 PM
Location: 11759 Groat Rd NW, Edmonton, AB
Primary Care Networks (PCN) are novel and potential career opportunities for a Kinesiologist.Speaker Series: The Voice of the Kinesiologist "Concussion Recommendations and Strategy and Updated Research Findings". Partnering with the Sport Medicine Council of Alberta, we will learn more about this complex pathophysiological process in terms of recommendations and strategy set out by the Alberta Concussion Alliance.
Date: Nov 14th 2017
Time: 12:30 - 1:30PM
Location: 1325 Markham Rd, Winnipeg, MB
Whether it’s chronic pain, a new injury, or a desire to improve your health and performance.. Integrative Movement and Katmah Training is here to help. From Athletic Therapy, Myofascial Cupping, and Strength and Conditioning services- there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re a equestrian athlete, any other athlete, or suffering of any pain or health condition- we can help.
With online and in person services available, you no longer have any reason to put your goals off.
Date: Nov 13th 2017
Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Location: Womens Fitness Clubs, 10341 Yonge St #3, Richmond Hill
In honor of Kinesiology week we have our in house Registered Kinesioloigsts volunteering their time to educate and offer their expertise on the following topics:
Injury & Rehabilitation
How to work out if you have injuries, illnesses or ailments
What type of exercises are appropriate for your specific injuries, illnesses or ailments.
Bring all of your questions, have some coffee and chat with our Kinesiologist Sandra Atri!
Date: Nov 13th 2017
Time: 5:30-6:30 PM
Location: 60 Main St S, Carman, MB
Meet Kathlyn Mary Hossack. Whether it’s chronic pain, a new injury, or a desire to improve your health and performance.. Integrative Movement and Katmah Training is here to help. From Athletic Therapy, Myofascial Cupping, and Strength and Conditioning services- there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re a equestrian athlete, any other athlete, or suffering of any pain or health condition- we can help. With online and in person services available, you no longer have any reason to put your goals off.
Date: November 3rd 2017
Join the VRA BC colleagues for the VRA BC AGM, as well as a valuable day of training that will earn you CEUs at Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel. This is our biggest event of the year and we hope to see as many of you in attendance as possible for a day of networking and professional development.
Date: October 3, 2017
In Ontario, OKA offers a webinar - Osteoporosis, Exercise and Nutrition - osteoporosis and fragility fractures and related clinical consequences, role of exercise and nutrition in the prevention and management of osteoporosis, in-depth overview of the Too Fit to Fracture recommendations,example exercises from each domain, and available resources for kinesiologists working with people with osteoporosis
DATE AND TIME: Part 1 July 20 2017 - Part 2 July 27 2017
Back by popular demand, the OKA is pleased to present a webinar series on Physical Demands Analysis by Elizabeth Chapman, R.Kin. This webinar is the first of a two part series and will provide Kinesiologists who would like to provide this service with the basics to get them started.
DATE AND TIME: Saturday June 10th 2017, Sunday June 11th 2017
In BC: A practical hands-on course to improve kinesiologists’ understanding and clinical skills in order to effectively achieve clients’ rehabilitation goals. An alternative exercise model of optimum muscular control and improved biomechanics will be clearly presented.