The CKA strives to help Kins across Canada and to promote the profession of kinesiology. Learn here about our mission and values, our history, and much more!
To advance, promote, and advocate for kinesiology in Canada through meaningful partnerships and alliances.
To ensure kinesiology is broadly recognized by all Canadians as a leading health profession.
A representative and voluntary Board of Directors governs the work and progress of the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance.
The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance (CKA) Steering Committee was formed in 1995.
Today, CKA / ACK continues to support PKAs in their effort to become legislated but can only act as a hub of information for the PKAs and continue to increase awareness of the profession, create more partnerships and links with other national health professions, and encourage the public to request kinesiology services.
The CKA / ACK has developed a bold, inspiring, and achievable strategic plan: #KinVision2022. The CKA / ACK consultation process provided a current picture of kinesiology in Canada. This plan addresses challenges and will strive to advance kinesiology across the country. In order to achieve the CKA / ACK vision and purpose, we have defined strategic goals, referred to as the three (3) pillars, which are broken down into tactical objectives and measurable outcomes by 2022.
As the national voice for kinesiology and Kinesiologists in Canada, the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance / Alliance canadienne de kinésiologie actively engages government, principally at the federal level.
In collaboration with PKAs and other key partners, the CKA / ACK deploys a governmental lobbying strategy aimed at representing the interests of kinesiology in federal and provincial public/government agencies, the insurance and private sector, and universities.
Read our publications. In this section find the latest:
1. eNewsletter
2. Press Release
3. Videos
4. #KinVision2022 Strategic Plan
5. Other media tools