In partnership with Respiplus for eXpand.

The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance is proud to offer you preferential rates on products and professional development opportunities and continuing education oppotunities leading to earning credits. eXpand offers a wide range of continuing education opportunities for health professionals and Kinesiologists. eXpand courses will enable Kinesiologists to understand how to work with individuals with chronic respiratory conditions such as COPD, etc. Take advantage of various discounts on purchase.

Courses - Webinars - Online Courses

Initiated by Dr. Jean Bourdeau, M.D., M.SC., FRCPC, for a project from McGill University, Respiplus now offers courses to help professionals. Exercise intolerance in COPD is complex, and multifactorial, including pulmonary factors, and limb muscle dysfunction (e.g. abnormal skeletal muscle size, strength, endurance, etc.) In their courses, they discuss how exercise tolerance is most often limited by intolerable breathlessness and/or leg fatigue, and how the primary exercise-limiting symptoms reported by clients may help guide therapy options.

The CKA invites Kinesiologists to consider eXpand courses to complete their continuing education credits. eXpand courses will enable Kinesiologists to understand how to work with individuals with chronic respiratory conditions such as COPD, Asthma, Pulmonary Fibrosis and other chronic respiratory diseases. You will be able to design programs for long-term rehabilitation and behaviour change.

Individuals with chronic respiratory conditions have to cope with shortness of breath, anxiety and frequent visits to hospital. Their physical and mental well-being can be compromised.

Expand your knowledge of respiratory conditions, help people manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Use the link below for more information and register using the CKA Code kin25% to get 25% off

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